Hi everyone! Long time no speak, I hope everyone is staying safe & enjoying getting back to normal. I’m carrying on my blog posts in order of what I origannly planned, it’s just taken me a little ( or a lot longer) between posting, Sorry!
The joyful side effects🦖
As in my last post (a good while ago) I've undergone multiple chemotherapy in a effect to control the beast of cancer inside of me. So this will be going through the all important side effects that come through it which is proving difficult to make light hearted and some how fun but here's my best shot!
When you start any type of chemotherapy, the doctors or nurse will hand you a piece of paper with all the side effects on, they vary from chemo to chemo but they can be generalised in the following;
● Hair loss ●changes in taste buds
●Mouth ulcers ● tingling / numbness in limbs
●Tiredness ● diarrhoea & constipation
●Hot flushes ● nausea
● chemo brain (this isn't actually on the paper but should very well be!)
Not to be a brag but i have or still am experiencing all of these wonderful side effects. Yet still, I don't understand why the side effects cant be a good tan & luscious locks!? This isn't an extensive list but are the most common side effects.
After you've had a day of chemotherapy it doesn't take too long for the side effects to kick in, I was lucky enough to use the cold caps and they prerved my hair for some what a year before it was coming out in massive clumps. As of the other side effects, I usually experience nausea and tiredness within a few hours the rest come within a day or so.
It is hard to go into detail about all, the side effects as there is so many plus its changing constantly and this would go from being a short blog to an extended novel, and nobody wants that!
Top tips & tricks to help manage some effects;
Hot water bottle
Ooo I experience sever bone aches and pains and even stabbing pains in my chest as a side effect, hot water bottles are my best friend. Hot baths work too - any kind of heat!
Need to re charge your body regularly can be hard work, but listen! Napping is also a great pass time.
Your skin will become very very dry, moisturizer should become your best friend, everywhere! Helps prevent slits and thin skin from breaking too.
Ice cream
Ice cream helps with everything, hot? Ice cream. Mouth ulcers? Ice cream. Too nauseous to eat? Ice cream. Its also a good way to keep your calories up if you cant eat!
Thank So heres side effects in a nutshell, sorry for the long wait once again!
As always thank you for your love and continued support through messages etc
Danielle 🖤
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